Highlights of the Period:

Revenues for the year increased 49% to $15.1 million (1999 – $10.16 million)

Profits attributable to shareholders increased 28% to $2.25 million (1999 – $1.76 million)

R&D and marketing efforts increased 70% compared with 1999

Two new platforms, including a first integrated cellular system launched

Nine pilot systems, including two commercial Alzheimer’s trials, running or ready to start

Four state accounts won in the US, three key European awards for initial trials

US$10 million raised from institutional investors.

Listing promoted from AIM to the Official List and included in the techMARK index

Commenting on the results Yoav Reisman, CEO, said:

This year’s acheivements put us in a strong position to expand our existing business, break into new markets and enhance our technological capabilities with new developments. We intend to further pursue our strategy -stressing R&D activities and focused marketing efforts of both our subsidiaries in their respective markets. We will strive to ensure Dmatek’s leading position as a source for advanced electronic monitoring technologies and replicate our commercial success.