At the Internet World show in San Jose, California last week, Dimension X Inc was showing a pre-release version of what it claims is the first Java development tool for end-users. Called Liquid Motion, it enables users to create two- dimensional Java animations from its drag-and-drop interface, according to the San Francisco, California company. Java code written to the Motion Engine application programming interface is incorporated into Liquid Motion’s user interface. Liquid Motion features include sprite and audio sequencing, motion path control, content management and support for interactive behavior. It generates an animation script and a HyperText Mark-up Language file for insertion into Web pages and takes advantage of all the features of the Java language, such as system independence, object orientation, and multithreading, the company added. Java co-architect Arthur van Hoff was fulsome in his praise of Liquid Motion: Dimension X continues to demonstrate its lead in Java techno-logy by making two-dimensional interactive animations easy to create, he said. No word yet on pricing or availability.