Digital Ally has entered into a one-year contract with the state police department that can be renewed for two successive one-year periods. The contract allows for all state, county, and municipal law enforcement agencies within the West Virginia to purchase DVM-500 systems under the same terms and conditions as those provided to the West Virginia State Police.

The police department has placed an initial order for 124 DVM-500 systems, and orders from various individual law enforcement agencies throughout the state are also being received.

Law enforcement professionals are using more technology than ever before, and our DVM systems require less space in the patrol car than competing products, noted Stanton Ross, CEO of Digital Ally With laptop computers, radios, radar guns, shotgun racks, and in-car video systems, there is very little room left in a police car. By integrating our state-of-the-art digital video technology into a rearview mirror unit, Digital Ally’s GPS-enabled Compact Digital In-Car Video Systems retain the original utility of the mirror, while gaining the benefits of an in-car video system.

The agreement represents Digital Ally’s first state-wide contract, and was signed after several months of product testing by the West Virginia State Police.