Digital commerce is failing to deliver in the UK, with only 19% of total annual revenue currently being generated by digital commerce.

These findings come despite UK businesses heavily investing in technology, with mcommerce and desktop ecommerce already named by businesses as key sales channels.

When the respondents of consultancy Salmon’s survey were asked to identify the main digital commerce challenges they faced, respondents named the biggest battle as developing ecommerce as a whole (41%).

Specifically, when it came to mcommerce, the issue was the integration with traditional sales channels such as face-to-face and in-store (23%).

Handling customer service (37%) and managing the distribution of products when selling to customers (35%) were also noted as challenges.

These challenges are not helped by the fact that 67% of respondents did not have a dedicated team in place, or a plan to deal with the pace of change, with over half (51%) agreeing their organisation does not have the skills to maximise the potential of digital technologies.

Neil Stewart, CEO of Salmon, said: "Digital commerce has the potential to be as vital to UK plc – whether B2B or consumer-facing – as it is to the lives of the general public.

"Businesses need to think long and hard about the role digital commerce can play in their organisations and go on a journey to realising that potential, implementing strategies which suit the bespoke needs of their customers."