Minneapolis, Minnesota-based Digi International has launched the DataFire S/T family of local network adaptors, featuring, as their name would suggest, S/T type (four wire) interfaces. The range is intended for remote users and branch offices, as well as for Internet and on-line service provider access. The DataFire S/T Client adaptor is a Basic Rate Interface ISDN client adaptor. It installs in AT-bus computers, taking the place of an Ethernet adaptor, and supports one S/T ISDN connection. The offering provides drivers for Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare and Windows for Workgroups, as well as Point-to-Point Protocol support. The adaptor is also said to support the Win ISDN specification, enabling support for other remote access products. Windows95 support will follow with the operating system’s impending ISDN support. The DataFire S/T Server installs in network file or communication servers running Windows NT or Novell NetWare, says Digi and supports one S/T ISDN connection. In NetWare 3.X environments, the offering also features Link Optimisation, to minimise line charges by preventing local network administration traffic from opening the communications link. According to the company, it also includes Windows-based management software for management of ISDN adaptors on local remote Novell NetWare servers. Finally, the DataFire/4 S/T Server adaptor enhances the DataFire S/T Server by supporting four S/T ISDN connections. The DataFire S/T Client lists for $500, the DataFire S/T Server sells for $800, and the DataFire/4 S/T Server costs $3,000.