The suite, which includes speech, voice and network interface products, allows ASPs and Hosting Service Providers (HSPs) to host voice portals, unified messaging applications and call processing services. Using these building blocks, providers of hosting services can help elevate their customers to a voice-enabled business. Through this latest offering, and in combination with its partners, Intel Dialogic continues to break new ground in enabling the next generation of service providers.

A New Class Of Media Server For A New Class Of Service Provider

The high availability suite of products from Intel Dialogic offer an open, enhanced media platform that can be deployed in the Internet services market to voice-enable Web sites, allowing millions to retrieve Web information via landline voice, wireless or data networks. Telera, a leading provider of converged Internet and telecommunications technology, has adopted the suite of products and is using it to power a new class of media platforms that provides the core of its managed service network.

Through the use of building block technology from Intel Dialogic, Telera is able to easily extend Web applications to phone-based users. Leveraging Internet standard technologies and Voice XML, Telera provides web-driven voice communications applications, interactive voice response, call routing and outbound customer relationship management. This enables enterprises to cost effectively offer differentiated voice solutions, providing improved customer satisfaction, without the need to expand or place additional demands on their current network infrastructure.

Voice-enabling the Internet is an explosive area of growth, said Prem Uppaluru, CEO of Telera Corporation. Consumers and businesses require ubiquitous access to information that up to now was accessible only via PC or other data device. With high availability voice and media products from Intel Dialogic, we were able to quickly come to market and offer Web-driven voice communications applications to our customers. Because of these sophisticated platforms, we can offer the up-time guarantee in the Internet services network that is typically associated with the traditional switched network.

Our products enable Telera to offer ‘carrier-level’ hosting services that are dependable, responsive, and managed like the PSTN, but with the flexibility, openness and personalization of the Internet, said Howard Bubb, vice president of Intel’s Communications Products Group and president of Dialogic, an Intel company. ISPs, ASPs, and traditional carriers can rely on open building blocks from Intel Dialogic for uninterrupted services. By investing in our technology, ASPs like Telera can continue to scale in density and functionality to meet the increasing demand for access to Web-driven applications and services.