The solution will be utilized to protect information stored on California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), California Department of Public Health and California Health and Human Services Agency laptops and desktop personal computers.

GuardianEdge protects all classified health information on laptops and desktop personal computers and helps DHCS ensure that information is not compromised in the event that a computer is lost or stolen. GuardianEdge’s compatibility with DHCS’ existing information technology environment and ease of testing and deployment were also major determinants in selection. DHCS was able to leverage existing software to deploy the GuardianEdge hard disk encryption solution among all laptop and desktop personal computers within a self-imposed 30-day timeframe to ensure personal health and confidential information was protected from unauthorized access.

Alan Fudge, president and CEO of GuardianEdge, said: Residents hold government agencies to a higher level of responsibility in securing their sensitive information, and there is an expectation that personal information will remain uncompromised. Increasing mobile workforces, combined with federal mandates like HIPAA, make the encryption of sensitive data even more paramount. The GuardianEdge Data Protection Platform secures sensitive or proprietary information and provides peace of mind and greater security to all government program recipients.