Data General Corp will finally unveil its distributed shared memory AViiON servers running DG-UX Unix this coming Tuesday. They won’t ship until later this summer however, by which time the company will be at least nine months behind ccNUMA rival Sequent Computer Systems Inc which has already shipped a couple of hundred or more of its own NUMA-Q systems; 140 in its last quarter. DG’s plans have suffered a further setback with news that Santa Cruz Operation Inc isn’t going ccNUMA-enabled UnixWare but will first introduce support for DG’s distributed shared memory model in Gemini, the OpenServer/UnixWare combine due by year-end, which means it won’t be ready to use effectively until 1998. DG had previously expected to ship ccNUMA AViiONs this quarter running UnixWare. Its OEMs, such as ICL Plc aren’t likely to be too thrilled about the prospect of having to wait until next year either. SCO told us it simply isn’t viable to retro-fit ccNUMA technology to UnixWare; it’s got put it into the new stuff.