According to Gartner, 90% of enterprises have already deployed mobile devices, such as smartphones. Another 86% of enterprises surveyed said that they plan to deploy media tablets this year.

"Healthy growth in smartphone and media tablet shipments over the next five years will enable a much higher level of IT consumerization than is currently possible," said Chae-Gi Lee, research director at Gartner.

"Enterprises should recognize this and look to ‘mobile enable’ their IT infrastructure for employees to meet the growing demand for mobile device use in the enterprise IT environment."

The main difference between the established market and the emerging BRIC economies is the focus on security. BRIC countries tend to see the BYOD problem as a technical one, while data privacy laws mean that developed nations struggle to fit company ambitions to legal framework.

BYOD demand was higher in the BRIC countries where more Generation Y (Gen Y) employees are working.

Most of the enterprises surveyed indicated that they provide technical support for personal devices; 32% of smartphones, 37% of tablets and 44% of laptops. However, the results around technical support varied significantly. Just 28% of developed countries offered support for personal devices, versus 44% in BRIC countries.

The report surveyed organisations of 500 employees or more from the BRIC countries, the UK, Germany, the US and Australia across October and November 2011.