Deutsche Telekom is offering machine to machine (M2M) Toolkit to application offering providers and developers to build M2M applications ranging from an intelligent blood meter to a complete smart home offering.

The M2M Toolkit includes product-ready devices and a complete suite of developer tools.

Deutsche Telekom and American global technology company Intel have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to join forces on M2M technologies, tool kits and development of standards.

This will enable developers to design wireless M2M solutions on 3G, WiFi, or Zigbee with a ‘Smart Service Developer Kit’ based on the Intel Atom processor and Deutsche Telekom’s network and connectivity service.

Intel Embedded and Communications Group Connected Devices director Kevin Johnson said the combination of the new M2M Toolkit based on the Intel Atom processor with Deutsche Telekom’s network and connectivity services enables a faster rate of innovation and time to market for M2M solutions.