At the Destiny desktop Unix announcement in Japan, Fujitsu Ltd and NEC Corp, as well as Nippon Olivetti Ltd and Nippon Unisys Kaisha announced that they would be supporting System V.4.2 on their products in the near future. Open Systems Development Division Manager Takeshi Maruyama of Fujitsu said that in conjunction with ICL Plc and as Unix System Laboratories Inc’s partner, it would be putting it up on the DS/90 7000 Sparc systems, which it buys OEM from ICL. NEC plans to put System V.4.2 on its EWS 4800 series of workstations, but has no immediate plans to put it up on the PC-9800 series of personal computers that dominates the Japanese market. NEC does have plans to put Windows NT for the 9800 series, and is already selling Santa Cruz Operation Inc V.3.2 Unix, but not very enthusiastically – customers are mainly universities and research laboratories. Olivetti Japan has just announced a new RISC personal computer, the R3000-baed M700-10, and plans to put the new operating system up on this machine. Sanyo Electric Co also said that it planned to put System V.4.2 onto its workstations. Oki Electric Corp and Toshiba Corp however have no immediate plans to put versions of System V.4.2 on their machines. Actual use of System V.4.2 in Japan is contingent on the completion of the localisation effort, which is currently under way at Unix Labs Pacific, and is due to be completed by the end of the year.