Intel Corp still denies that there is any delay in volume deliveries of the Pentium 80586 microprocessor for public consumption, but vendors briefed by the company have confirmed that, as revealed by our sister paper Unigram.X, the part at present needs a heat sink and a fan (CI No 2,050), and that Intel is unlikely to be able to ship in volume before the fourth quarter 1993. developers told Computer Reseller News that the company has several fixes in the works, including asking them to install a fan on a small board to blow directly on the chip. The paper quotes Intel’s Dave House saying that the part will initially appear in the promised 66MHz version and a cheaper 60MHz version – Siemens AG is said to have been unable to drive the chip faster than 40MHz with cooling before it burned up. It also notes that applications will have to be recompiled to get full benefit from the chip.