Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 6.0, codenamed Mustang, will use an improved web services stack that streamlines the communication abilities of Java running in a browser.

Currently, Java uses Remote Method Invocation (RMI) and Corba to enable a client-side, browser-based Java application to communicate with back-end systems and with .NET.

While RMI and Corba are secure and reliable methods of communications, they are relatively complex for developers to learn and to implement. It is hoped that by using XML-based specifications, desktop Java and browser-based applications will become more accessible to a broader range of software developers.

Sun vice president and fellow Graham Hamilton said: We are trying to cut out some of the spaghetti that runs between the client and the server. J2SE 6.0 will have a complete web services stack Hamilton added.

Sun has ramped-up its push around client-side and online Java applications during the last 18 months. The company is attempting to expand the numbers of Java developers building desktop and online applications, while ensuring a larger numbers of these programmers use Sun’s own Java tools and runtimes.

As part of that drive, Sun is courting broader input from the community into J2SE 6.0. The company said on Wednesday code for the platform will be made available under three new licenses – Java International User License (JIUL), Java Distribution License (JDL), and the Java Research License (JRL). The licenses are designed to encourage more developers to enhance and fix code.

The licenses are expected to replace the Sun Community Sourced License (SCSL). Don’t expect [us] to do [J2SE] 6.0 under SCSL, Hamilton said. J2SE 6.0 is expected next year.