Seagate has also made strategic alliances with NCR Corp and Cray Research Inc to develop high-performance storage products, and the first fruits are an integrated disk array and disk array subsystem. The disk array, which has been installed in the NCR System 3445 and 3450, transfers data at up to 6.25Mb per second and uses Seagate’s 5.25 disk drives. The subsystem with an enhanced SCSI interface transfers data at up to 20Mb per second and uses Seagate’s 3.5 disk drives. The partnership with Cray has produced the Sabre Parallel Transfer Disk with storage capacity of 2.368Gb. It uses nine read-write heads simultaneously and achieves a 218MHz data transfer rate. Cray has introduced its proprietary implementation, the DD-60, which offers up to 2.3Gb capacity. It has 12mS average seek time and spindle synchronisation toenable multiple drives to run in parallel.