As a result of the investment by Toronto-based Delrina Corp in Ex Machina Inc, New York (CI No 2,664), Delrina will be incorporating paging capabilities into its products, using a tool kit developed by Ex Machina. Delrina’s president, Mark Skapinker, says the company’s WinFax suite of products will be the primary recipient of the Ex Machina technology, and that most of the development work has already been done: the user interface and directory elements required the most work, he says. Skapinker says that Delrina went to Ex Machina because it found that paging is very much a moving target and Ex Machina really has an understanding of the market: Skapinker says that, while the mass market is for alphanumeric paging today, it is moving towards such technologies as two-way paging and Cellular Digital Packet Data, and Delrina wanted to tap the expertise of a company that specialises in these areas. While Delrina is the first licensee of the Ex Machina tool kit, the agreement is non-exclusive, and Ex Machina is hoping to attract more licensees for the product. The extent of Delrina’s investment in Ex Machina is not being disclosed, but it was sufficient to buy the Canadian a seat on the company’s board.