Professionals can quickly and efficiently complete land development and land planning tasks such as preliminary site selection, trans-corridor analysis and basic surveying support. Specific features provided by the software enable users to:

Plot surveyed points over DeLorme 3-D TopoQuads® data or supplement it with other raster or vector data

Register any scanned images, including tax maps, orthophotos, property plans or utility maps to the 3-D TopoQuads base and superimpose them

Import data in any one of many supported coordinate systems and datum-then output it in a different coordinate system

Draft traverses, centerlines, property surveys and more, using bearings and distances. View and plot on top of 3-D TopoQuads or other data source as required for the project

View DXF files in XMap Geographic for reference and then output the newly drafted information again into DXF format

Save project work in convenient MapFolio digital files for easy reference

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Our customers told us what they really need is an easy-to-use product that provides 80% of what complex systems do-for 10-20% of the cost. XMap Geographic does exactly this, said DeLorme Geospatial Products Director, John Ferketic. Too many of the current high end systems are beyond the grasp of smaller-to-mid-size firms. This offers a powerful alternative for those looking for a quick and cost-effective solution.

XMap Geographic users with geospatially referenced datasets that contain either an address or X,Y coordinate value can import them into XMap Geographic using the XData feature. This very useful capability allows practically any data file containing coordinates or addresses to be geocoded and viewed in relation to all other mapping data.

Once a project has been completed, the work can be saved so that it is readily available to be used again. This means XMap Geographic becomes more and more valuable as it is used because users can easily find and reuse data and information from one project to the next. Other, more expensive systems that provide similar capabilities typically end up costing thousands of dollars and require an in-house GIS specialist.