Dell UK, headquartered in Bracknell, Berkshire has released its replacement machine for the System 220 which has been withdrawn from market; the System 316SX is a 16MHz 80386SX-based system and comes in 20Mb, 40Mb, 100Mb, and 177Mb versions; an entry level machine costs UKP1,350 and has 1Mb of RAM, a 20Mb disk, and mono VGA graphics; the motherboard incorporates a 16-bit VGA controller, floppy drive controllers, two serial ports, a parallel port, and up to 8Mb of RAM; the company has also released Netstation versions for attachment to local area networks; the diskless configuration has bootable PROM on the Ethernet card, and there is also a single disk drive configuration and 20Mb to 177Mb hard disks are available; a diskless 316SX Netstation with mono VGA and Ethernet board comes in at UKP1,350.