Dell Computer Corp is expanding its Unix offerings this week with the launch of two Unix/MS-DOS workstations, the Dell Station 325 and 425E, and introducing a software kit to convert personal computers into low-cost X terminals. Based on the existing Dell System 325 and 425E, the Dell Stations are sent out with pre-loaded software that includes Unix System V.3.2, Uniplex office automation software, and X Window, including concurrent access to MS-DOS applications, OSF/Motif and the IXI X.desktop graphical user interface. Dell Stations can be configured with up to 32 serial port connections. The X package, called Dell Station Partner kit, includes PC Xsight and PC Interface from Locus Comput ing Corp, and supports VGA or Super VGA screens. A 25MHz 80386-based 325 with 8Mb memory, 100Mb drive, VGA adaptor and monitor and the software costs from $9,000; an 80486-based 425E, with 100Mb drive and 150Mb tape is from $12,000. The Dell Station Partner kit is $400 – or $200 with a Dell micro.