Dell Software has partnered with Dell KACE to upgrade and expand its online IT community site, under the name, ITNinja.

ITNinja is a community, which focuses on software topics such as application deployment techniques, configuration settings, and management applications, also enables customers to leverage the community to find answers and best practices on complex issues.

The new community will save IT team’s time on common computer administration tasks by enabling Dell KACE customers to leverage content from ITNinja through the Dell KACE Appliance Management Console.

Dell’s newly formed community will expand the features and scope of the original AppDeploy community by including a database with different software applications which serve as topics of discussion for users wanting to contribute questions, deployment tips, shared links and blog posts.

ITNinja will also include new activity feed that highlights users’ contributions, a user reputation management system which rewards users with points and prizes for their contributions and a new Q&A system that includes features for crowdsourcing applications to technical issues faced by IT professionals.

The new community enables KACE customers to access the information directly through the interface of their KACE Systems Management Appliance Console.