DEC has expanded its DEClaser family of printers with three new PostScript printers, the DEClaser 1150, 2150 and 2250, which range from a four page-per-minute single-side-printing model to a 8ppm, double-side-printing version. DEC also introduced the DEClaser 1100 printer and a suite of PostScript language upgrade kits that can upgrade the DEClaser 1100 and the existing DEClaser 2100 and 2200 models to PostScript capability. The printers have 300 dots-per-inch resolution with RS232 serial and Centronics parallel interfaces. The 1150 is $3,000, 1100 is $1,650, upgrading it to PostScript is $1,350. The 8ppm 2150 and 2250 are $3,900 and $5,550, and PostScript upgrades for the existing 2100 and 2200 cost $1,350 and $1,650 respectively.