Digital Equipment Corp’s Digital StorageWorks has announced a 67% performance boost to its RAID Array 410, which it claims makes the device the fastest and most reliable RAID subsystem available for multiplatform environments. The improvement, says DEC, is in the Version 2.7 firmware, upping performance to 4,350 input-outputs in a single-controller configuration. The 410 provides expandable RAID storage for HP-UX, AIX, Solaris and SunOS systems, with support for Windows NT to be added early next year. The performance upgrade will be available in January and will be shipped free to existing customers on a PCMCIA card. New customers can buy the device for รบ17,820 for a 12.9Gb configuration. The drive itself is supplied by Quantum Corp, which bought the manufacturing plant and drive technology in July last year from Digital StorageWorks. DEC justifies the sell-off as a means of focussing on its core business, and says the real merit of the RAID Array 410 is in the controller technology rather than the drive itself.