Big things are expected from DEC today, but in the meantime, in a very low-key announcement, the company has sneaked out the expected announcements concerning the real-time VAXeln (CI No 591). The repackaged single board MicroVAX II computer, designed for automatic test equipment and manufacturing applications, is called the KA620. It costs $5,000 with 1Mb CPU, floating point co-processor, asynchronous console line unit, 22-bit Q-Bus interface and the new VAXeln Run-Time Package 2.3. The run-time package is also available for existing MicroVAX IIs at $400, and for the VAX 8500, 8550 and 8700 at $7,000. There is also a VAXeln Development Tool Kit that runs on all VAXes and costs $4,000 to $20,000 according to processor. A multiprocessor version of VAXeln is also promised for later this year.