Digital Equipment Crop has announced a set of Internet security offerings based around a three-tier strategy composed of a high-end customised firewall; a mid-range, single host firewall; and an entry-level, plug-and-play firewall server. According to the Maynard company, the high-end Digital Firewall Service is a software and consulting offering aimed at delivering a custom-made firewall for organisations requiring, for example, multi-host, robust Internet gateways. The service runs on Alpha under Digital Unix and is available now, from ú16,250. Digital Firewall for Unix is a pre-configured ‘out-of-the-box’ software product designed to operate on a single system. It includes World Wide Web, Mail, File Transfer and Telnet capabilities, and can be expanded into a multi-box firewall. The software runs under Digital Unix on Alpha machines and is priced at ú6,500. It will be available by mid-summer. Last up is the BorderWare Firewall Server, a combined firewall and Internet server, which DEC is reselling from Border Network Technologies Inc, of Toronto, Ontario. According to DEC, as well as providing a transparent IP firewall, it also offers Internet capabilities including World Wide Web, Mail, News, Name Service, Mosaic, Telnet and File Transfer. It runs on iAPX-86 personal computers and is out now, priced from ú3,600 to ú10,700, depending on the number of systems protected.