The reorganisation of Digital Equipment Corp and its overseas subsidiaries continues apace and has effectively robbed the UK operation of is individual status. The company’s UK division now has three chiefs of the business units announced by chief executive Bob Palmer in July. The three are the newly-created computer systems division headed by vice-president Enrico Pesatori. The posts go to Richard Jones, formerly UK sales and marketing director, who becomes general manager of the Systems Business Unit; Mike Powell, formerly director of Digital Consulting for UK and Ireland and now general manager of the Accounts Business Unit; and David Jones, who continues in his post as general manager of the Personal Computer Business Unit for the UK and Ireland. The appointments, combined with the move of Chris Conway, formerly DEC UK’s managing director to head the European Accounts Business Unit, confirm that DEC’s UK operation now lacks a single leader. Powell will report to Conway, and the two Joneses will also be reporting to their respective unit heads. The company is due to appoint a person to what it has described as a figurehead post, responsible for flesh-pressing and other representational activities on behalf of DEC UK, who will probably be known as host manager, resident director, or someother equally inspiring job title. This appointment appears, however, to have fallen a little way down the list of priorities as DEC continues to struggle to get back into the black. Hear of an appointment within the next week or so, or forget all about it until Christmastime, Unigram.X was advised.