DEC’s going to show up at next week’s HP World in Chicago touting its Digital Unix as the obvious platform for ISVs wanting to exploit 64-bits. It wants ISVs to port their 32-bit applications to its tried and tested 64-bit Unix rather than the 64-bit HP-UX 11.0 Hewlett-Packard Co hasn’t yet shipped. DEC says that the LP64 or so-called Aspen 64-bit APIs now an Open Group standard will ensure that there is a high degree of compatibility between HP-UX 11.x, Digital Unix and other 64-bit Unix operating systems, enabling ISVs to move their 64-bit applications back to the HP environment once it is robust. DEC also wants to attract first- time 64-bit developers with the same motivation. It assumes most of its 3,900 Digital Unix ISVs will use the Aspen APIs to move their applications to other 64-bit Unixes when they appear. DEC will show off porting tools for moving 32-bit code to Digital Unix.