Making certain that Apple Computer does not get uppity about its widely-hailed strategic alliance with DEC (CI No 847) – and perhaps feeling that that agreement had been too well received the Maynard mininaker took advantage of a briefing in Boston on Tuesday to make it clear that its Network Applications Support facilities, providing common access to services on the open DECnet/OSI network, would be available to users of all the most widely installed operating systems. The Support facilities enable users to communicate and share information between VT family terminals, VMS on VAX, Unix on VAX, Apple MacDOS, MS-DOS and OS/2. The Network Applications Support programme is intended to provide common access across an enterprise-wide network so users can easily exchange mail and revisable documents, share files, and access databases and printers. DEC claims its facilities to integrate MS-DOS micros into its networks is second to none. The new DECnet licence also makes each DECnet VAX a licensed MS-DOS server.