DEC is continuing its attack on IBM’s AS/400 range with a board that enables IBM 3270 terminals in DECnet networks to access data from VAXes. The board, marketed as an option on the DECserver 550 terminal server, enables 3270 units to emulate VT220 terminals: a single board, supporting four 3270s, is $1,700. DEC has also announced a combined terminal server/statistical multiplexer, the MUXserver 300/DECmux 300, for connecting up to 48 remote terminals into local area networks over leased phone lines; the new product takes over from DEC’s MUXserver 100/DECmux II unit, which supports 16 terminals. The MUXserver is $9,000, the DECmux multiplexer from $4,000 to $11,000. DEC UK expects the networking products to be available this side of the Atlantic during the summer, at prices similar to those in the US.