Digital Equipment Corp’s final R-series RISC-based Ultrix machines are due to ship next month. The three DECsystem servers and two DECstation workstations use the MIPS Technologies Inc R4000 RISC. The Personal DECstation 5000 Model 50 uses a 40MHz CPU and replaces the Model 33. It comes with up to 40Mb RAM, 1Gb disk, two Turbochannel slots and is rated at 43.8 SPECint92 and 40.9 SPECfp92. It costs UKP6,800. The 60MHz DECstation Model 260, rated at 58 SPECint92 and 54.7 SPECfp92 comes with up to 480Mb memory and three slots and it starts at UKP12,800. The DECsystem 5000 Model 50 runs at 50MHz, the Model 260 and DECsystem 5900 Model 260 run at 60MHz.