DEC has come out with Version 4.2 of its Ultrix implementation of Unix, providing support for the top-end VAX 9000 superminis and including Version 11.4 of the X Window System and Ultrix/SQL Version 2 relational database. Ultrix/SQL is based on Ask Ingres’ 6.3 release of Ingres V, and is bundled with the operating system. It includes a new on-line back-up feature that enables the machine to be run 24 hours without stopping for back-up. A new fast commit feature has be? added to improve transaction processing performance: it is designed to cut the number of input-output requests to the database. It is also designed to work with Ingres’ new Knowledge Management and Object Management tools. Version 5 of Ultrix is set for later this year. DEC has also cut the price of its DECstation 3100 Unix workstation in the UK, bringing the entry price down to UKP4,000. With the new pricing, the 3100 replaces the 2100 as the entry point to the family.