Digital Equipment Corp launched the latest in its line of Prioris personal computer application servers yesterday, including the Prioris HX 6000 Series with one or two 200MHz Pentium Pro processors. The servers, with a starting price of $6,000, include Digital Clusters support for Windows NT Server, so that two machines can be coupled together via a shared SCSI for high availability with full use of each server, and a turnkey RAID Cluster kit. There are four variants: single or dual processors with 256Kb or 512Kb level 2 cache options. They come bundled with DEC’s ServerWorks local area network systems management tools, and, despite the focus on Windows NT, come with a choice of operating system that also includes SCO Unix, OS/2, Novell NetWare and Banyan Vines. Oh, and like the recently launched Digital Personal Workstations (CI no 3,004) they come in frost white rather than the usual magnolia. DEC said it was willing to play in the cut-throat, cut-price NT server market, along with the likes of Compaq and Dell, and said it had responded within 24 hours to the price cuts Compac made to its server range on October 14th, matching them processor by processor. DEC also launched a 200MHz Pentium version of its entry-level Annex file and print minitower server.