The Object Management Group’s endorsement of the object world and processes that the Microsoft Corp initiative brings with it, is perhaps most the important element of the Common Object Model-to-Object Request Broker interoperability Request For Proposals and the Group’s public persona. What the Object Group needs least, right now, is yet another brouhaha in the delicately-poised CORBA 2.0 interoperability process. But this is up to the Unix vendors, and so endless disagreement is likely. The companies submitting interoperability technology specifications have apparently found a compromise solution to the thorny problem of whether or not to use the Distributed Computing Environment Remote Procedure Call as the basis of a joint submission; namely a single wire protocol based on TCP/IP and Distributed Computing Environment. Digital Equipment Corp, however, has split from the general opinion and raised ‘Distributed Computing Environment or nothing’ colours. Remember, there’s no peace without justice.