DEC trumps IBM’s AD/Cycle with development support for alien environments in Cohesion

Turns out that, as 01 Informatique expected, DEC did announce the next major step in its computer-aided software engineering on Tuesday last week – it just omitted to tell anybody about it – even the company’s flacks were in the dark. The new name of the updated game is Cohesion, an integrated environment supporting the development, deployment and management of software. The Cohesion environment is built on DEC’s NAS Network Application Support and is designed to provide the framework for the development of Network Application Support applications as well as software for IBM mainframes, a range of microprocessors and supercomputers. The Cohesion name was chosen to emphasise the characteristics of DEC’s software development environment, which the company reckons include support of software deployment on heterogeneous systems from a unified environment; a framework that integrates the entire software development lifecycle, beginning with enterprise planning through maintenance and on-going management; flexibility of a development environment that works across all industries and businesses; and linkage of business planning with software development, supporting the goals of the entire organisation, as well as individual departments. The company also announced several enhanced service and product capabilities of its own and from other software vendors: all are part of the Cohesion environment and support Network Application Support services. DEC’s new offerings include Enterprise Integration Services supporting DEC’s software engineering customisation and resource centres, including consulting to link software with business planning. The company suggests that adopting an enterprise-wide computer-aided software engineering environment can result in higher productivity and lower costs if the tools are used and maintained efficiently and the company says it provides assistance, via comprehensive training and service support, throughout the complete process. The Service and Support for Cohesion consists of a worldwide network of CASE experts and support. VAXset version 10 is a packaged offering of tools with new capabilities for working in vector environments such as the VAX 6000 and VAX 9000; and VAX Rally V2.2 is a new release of the DEC applications generator which adds new transaction processing options.

Five software engineering tools are integrated in VAXset Version 10

VAXset Version 10 comprises is five computer-aided software engineering tools that are made in a single integrated package. It includes Program Design Facility, PDF, for capturing, viewing and reporting detailed or module design, extending VAXset into the front end of the software development life cycle, and now has capabilities for capturing, viewing and reporting VAX 6000 and VAX 9000 Vectors performance information. Version 3.1 of the VAX LSE/SCA Language Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyser is a combination of the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor and the VAX Source Code Analyser into a single product. The suite includes a programmer’s editor that provides language templates for VAX Ada, Basic, Bliss-32, C, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, PL/I and Macro, on-line language help, and the ability to compile, review and correct compilation errors without leaving the editing environment. It has a static analysis, cross-referencing and source code navigation component designed to aid developers in understanding the complexities of entire software systems as well as individual modules; a detailed program design component that enables developers to express designs with pseudocode and to generate design reports. VAX PCA Performance and Coverage Analyser is a tool designed to pinpoint runtime bottlenecks and to determine sections of code not executed during testing. VAX DEC/Test Manager is an automated tool for administering and running program test procedures and evaluating test results. VAX DEC/CMS Code Management System is an automated project files librarian and version management s

ystem; and VAX DEC/MMS Module Management System is software system builder designed to automate the development of software application systems.

DEC enlists a little help from its friends for Cohesion strategy

Co-operative marketing products for Cohesion are the Foundation integrated set of facilities designed to automate and support the development of applications for Rdb/VMS environments, particularly distributed transaction processing systems, integrated with DEC’s networking and Network Application Support capabilities, from Anderson Consulting. DEC has gone to Netron Inc, for its Netron/CAP Development Environment, an automated software engineering system for building custom Cobol software, primarily for IBM mainframes; V2.05 enhances support for Network Application Services mixed vendor environments.Other new product releases from allied software vendors include version 6 of the Powerhouse application development environment from Cognos Inc with several enhancements supporting CDD/Repository and other NAS services; Focus from Information Builders Inc, with support for CDD/Repository and spanning all the NAS systems; and Smartstar Corp’s application development software supporting CDD/Repository, with complete interchange of information among Smartstar and other ATIS-compliant tools.

It’s promises, promises on the key CDD/Repository: first half 1991

The company gets more and more like IBM, so it also made some statements of direction, although fortunately it calls them simply intentions to offer. But, just like IBM, it is promising a CDD/Repository, a distributed repository with an object-oriented interface. CDD/Repository is an enhanced version of the currently available CDD