No longer interested in building its own non-VAX personal computers after the Rainbow fiasco, DEC has turned to Tandy Corp and will buy models from its line OEM. DEC will also service Tandy-brand products owned by its customers. It is not clear that DEC will be taking Micro Channel Architecture machines from Tandy, but the company also announced Version 2.1 of its integrated personal computing software, extending Network Applications Support services to Micro Channel Architecture machines. VAX/VMS Services for MS-DOS 2.1 is supported by VMS 5 and enables PS/2 users to link into DECnet via 3Com’s Etherlink/MC controller card. It also supports selected models of Olivetti and Zenith personal computers; out now. ASK Computer Systems Inc and DEC are joining forces on systems for Manufacturing Resources Planning in the UK, following similar pacts in the US, Canada and the Far East. ASK also says it has begun shipping version 4.1 of Maxcim for the VAX.