Digital Equipment Corp late Tuesday duly stepped up to add its name to the companies supporting the Common Open Software Environment process, as defined in the white paper joint statement released by Hewlett-Packard Co, IBM Corp, Santa Cruz Operation Inc, Sun Microsystems Inc and Unix Systems Laboratories Inc (CI No 2,185). The company says it will help to move the COSE process forward by actively participating in many of the future working groups that will evolve as part of the process, and by making available some of its technologies and expertise. The company says it sees the advent of the documented Common Open Software Environment process as a clear signal that the Unix Wars, which it helped to foster with its sponsorship of the Open Software Foundation, are at an end, and that Unix environments are becoming unified. DEC is participating in the industry working group with Hewlett-Packard, Sun, IBM, the Open Software Foundation, and others to work to define a Federated Naming capability to improve interoperability across name services provided by technologies such as the Distributed Computing Environment and the ONC-Plus version of Open Network Computing. It says it also backs and is participating in the X/Open Desktop Working Group.