Digital Equipment Corp, which on Tuesday is due to make a big splash for its Polycenter answer to IBM’s SystemView (see Minigrams, back page for update) has announced the ODA CDA Gateway, software that enables users to interchange documents between the International Standards Organisation’s Office Document Architecture and DEC’s own Compound Document Architecture. Documents can presently consist of text, graphics and images and will in future add audio and full motion video. The first release is for the VMS operating system and is available next month; no prices. The company also committed to tight integration with X400 networks in the future. DEC has also brought its multiprocessor applicationDEC 433MP 80486-based Unix machine to Europe. The machine uses Corollary Inc’s symmetrical multiprocessing extensions to Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix and comes with up to four processors. A 33MHz unprocessor with 8Mb, 209Mb disk and 1.44Mb floppy is UKP10,610, now. DEC said that the machine would be its first to be marketed through a new reseller operation that will target small and medium-sized companies doing from UKP2m to UKP50m a year. The first two resellers to be signed under the programme in the UK are Technology Plc and Metrologie UK.