Following the acquisition of BRS Software Products by Dataware Technologies Inc, Dataware plans to announce a series of BRS based products in the coming year. According to Mueller, chairman and chief executive of Dataware, the combination of Dataware and BRS Software Products gives us a complete solution for helping customers to manage and distribute large amounts of electronic information, both on-line and on CD-ROM. The new BRS/Search for Windows NT is one of the first of these products. It uses the company’s core document management engine in an Windows NT environment. BRS/Search 6.2 is now testing and has two new features. Patten matching give users the ability to search and cross-reference information by looking for patterns in phrases and words, and field level searching will enable users to identify, index and group data more easily. Dataware has also expanded the availability of BRS/Search by producing Internet software. It plans to offer services such as data preparation loading and updating, Internet support and complete facilities management for Unix-based Dataware Internet servers, to enable companies to offer their electronic information products on Internet more quickly on a monthly charge of around #3,000 to #5,000 depending on numbers of users and the level of services required. Alternatively BRS/Search on CD-ROM can be bought for #12,000 upwards. Dataware has also restyled Swift, its graphical user interface environment to include improved development tools, third party integration and better customisation capabilities. The new version will ship from the end of the year.