According to the company, DataPath Satellite Transportable Terminals (STTs) are deployed to deliver high-bandwidth communications capabilities at forward-operating locations as part of the US Army’s Joint Network Node (JNN)/ Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) program. It works closely with the U.S. Army to provide satellite terminals, spares and upgrade kits, software and on-site field support services for its critical networks.

Steve Lindeman, vice president of business operations at DataPath, said: With rapid production capabilities and experience deploying and servicing JNN/WIN-T and other key networks, our manufacturing and services teams provide exceptional support to ensure these systems incorporate the latest technology and operate reliably on the battlefield.

Since 2004, DataPath has built and delivered more than 800 STTs as well as provided Unit Hub SATCOM Trucks (UHSTs), software and extensive services for the JNN/WIN-T program.

Earlier in this month the company declared that it received a $3.7 million order to provide on-site personnel to operate and maintain satellite communications (SATCOM) systems managed by the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) in the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) area of operations.

Under the agreement,  DataPath will fund more than 30 technical personnel in Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Afghanistan to support U.S. military battlefield communications systems, including Deployable Ku Band Earth Terminals (DKETs) built by DataPath. Since August 2007, DataPath has received approximately $24 million in funding for services under this delivery order.