The Viper series comprises genuine convergence devices, packetising voice traffic generated by legacy equipment. The Viper then optimises this traffic to guarantee Quality of Service (QOS) by using its fully featured router, allowing simple integration with existing data networks.

Uniquely the Viper supports all Analogue, ISDN and PABX signalling, including propriety signalling, making it capable of linking any two like PABXs.

This powerful combination of features allows for example customers to fix telephony costs between branch offices by connecting the PABX at each office via a pair of Viper routers and a Leased Line. The customer is able to combine up to ten voice lines with their data traffic, eliminating the cost of inter office calls on the public network.

Commenting on the launch Gautam Bathija, Dataflex Managing Director said, Viper and Viper Digital are the first products for our new Broadband Access group. Trials have been carried out in the UK, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Holland across a range of end users, including local councils, newspapers, wholesale distributors and Universities. Viper received a very positive reception having clearly demonstrated ease of installation and cost saving potential.