The DataCede-MFX partnership is expected to enhance the value of MFX’s solutions by providing clients with access to DataCede’s team of professionals which possess extensive insurance industry and system implementation experience. This expertise entails broad-based P&C Business Applications Systems knowledge including comprehensive reinsurance experience in contract and treaty management, financial analysis, coverage interpretation, catastrophe exposure analysis, reinsurance billing and accounting.

DataCede has experience in BPO management, including regulatory reporting and compliance and has expertize in the development and implementation of information dashboards and business reporting tools.

Ray Roy, CEO of MFX, said: This partnership will enable clients to deploy and integrate the proven MFX solutions into their operations efficiently and cost effectively.DataCede’s consulting services gives MFX clients a broader suite of life cycle support services such as business process analysis and quality assurance to enhance MFX’s existing integrated solutions. Adding business process consultancy to MFX’s hosted application solutions offerings strengthens its position as a premier provider of property and casualty insurance solutions.