Reckoning that there are a lot of people out there that would like a cheaper means of accessing files on DEC VAXes that the solutions currently on offer, Datability Software Systems Inc, New York has come out with a series of Ethernet drivers, certified by Novell Inc, which facilitate access to VAX and Novell files using a single Ethernet card. The new products are an alternative to NetWare VMS for Novell NetWare local network users requiring personal computer-to-VAX integration. Features of the Remote Access Facility, which supports up to 19 different cards, include seamless file access, print service, automatic log-on, and terminal emulation for multiple VT100 or VT220 VAX sessions. The driver interface provides support for Novell’s NetWare version 2.1, which enables Remote Access Facility and NetWare to coexist in a single personal computer, using one Ethernet card, and personal computer drives can be redirected to a Novell File Server as well as the VAX. The company also has a new Remote Access Facility Memory Manager. This enables users to have Novell and Remote Access Facility simultaneously loaded into the computer, with memory left free for other applications. The new driver and Memory Manager are shipping in Remote Access Facility version 2.1., and the company is offering a free 30-day trial; no prices given.