Marlborough, Massachusetts-based Data Translation’s Multimedia Group has released Media 100 version 2.0. It is a digital video system that enables individuals to create broadcast quality video programs in both the NTSC and PAL television formats directly from a Macintosh computer. An additional Power Option can be bought which enables the user to carry out All-On-One Mastering. This enables draft-mode editing and high-quality on-line mastering to be done all on one system. Users can work with several hours of original source footage using the new draft mode, then add graphics, titles and audio, the firm says. In draft-mode, it says more than one hour of digitised source footage can be stored on a single 1Gb drive. For final programme assembly, it automatically tracks the edit decisions made by the user in draft mode, then re-digitises the programme in on-line mode to create a finished cut at broadcast-quality. The QuickTime Codec facility enables for instant click and drag transfers of Media 100 media files and clips to QuickTime applications, such as Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Premiere, ElectricImage, Macromedia Director, and Specular Infini-D among others. The Codec maintains the quality level by eliminating video degradation typical with repeated compression and decompression. Media 100 is available immediately. The Base System is $9,000. The Power Option with All-On-One Mastering; Fast FX; logging on the fly with Powerlog format and auto digitising is $4,000. The HDR Option offers the highest image quality with up to 150Kb for NTSC and 180Kb for PAL and is $4,000.