Platinum Technology Inc has beta tested its InfoTransport data migration tool for Informix databases. It is a graphical user interface-based tool that moves data from DB2, IMS and VSAM to distributed server databases including Informix OnLine Dynamic server 7.1, DB2/2 for OS/2 and AIX, Sybase, SQL and Oracle. The tool will be generally available for Informix this month and costs from $151,300 depending on CPU size. Platinum has also integrated other tools for Informix: the InfoRefiner data extraction tool; InfoHub, a tool for SQL access to MVS-based data from personal computer-based applications; and InfoPump, middleware for bi-directional data replication and movement. Platinum also offers SQL Assist for creating SQL code for data access, ProReports graphical user interface reporting tools and Forest & Trees graphical user interface-based reporting tools for Informix.