Data General Corp yesterday announced its promised implementation of Novell Inc’s Portable NetWare for its Motorola 88000-based AViiON RISC systems, claiming it to be the first implementation offered on a RISC machine. NetWare for AViiON Systems will be supported by Oracle Corp’s relational data base, and with it, the company announced the Netwise RPC Tool for remote procedure calls from Netwise Inc, Boulder, Colorado as part of the software developers kit for AViiON personal computer networks, which enables developers to build client-server applications. Data General also announced NetWare for its proprietary Eclipse MV min is, which means that they and the AViiON servers will support Apple Macintosh, MS- DOS, MS-Windows 386 and OS/2 clients. The Marlborough minimaker also added Native NetWare on its Dasher 386 personal computer workstations and says it plans to support both OS/2 LAN Manager and LAN Manager/X. NetWare for AViiON is $6,550 for one to 64 users on an AViiON 400 and is on 90 days’ delivery. The Software Developers Kit for AViiON networks is $9,935 for one to four users. The Eclipse version will be out in the second half and has not been priced.