As part of Data General Corp’s series of product launches (CI No 1,132), the company has introduced DG/Infact, a software package that allows MS-DOS personal computer users to query a database residing on a Data General Eclipse MV/Family server, without having to know its physical location, structure or query language. The product, co-developed with Apple Computer’s Network Innovations subsidiary, distributes processing between personal computers and MV family servers; prices range from $3,900 on the MV/1400 to $35,000 on the MV/40000 HA. Data General has also announced enhancements to its communications and workgroup computing products; these include the integration of IBM PS/2 models 50, 60, 70 and 80 into DG*I networks, and the introduction of CEO Connection/LAN, a software package that enables personal computer users to use MS-DOS applications and Data General’s CEO office automation capabilities over a DG/PC*I local area network. Data General claims the CEO Connection/LAN software package enables MS-DOS users to transfer files and initiate virtual terminal emulation over a DG/PC*I local area network; prices range from $900 on the MV/1400 to $10,200 on the MV/40000 HA. Data General claims new PC Workstation Services, PC/WS, features include support for the PS/2 series and increased performance in downloading the inbox and file transfer; pricing for the upgraded PC/WS is $400 per user, with a minimum initial purchase price of $8,000.