Application release automation firm XebiaLabs has enhanced its Deployit product with new features which includes enhanced security, comprehensive reporting and .Net integration.

The new features include enhanced security in the GUI, application release pipeline reporting and the addition of Microsoft .Net integration.

XebiaLabs says the addition of new features will enhance the usability, security and scalability of the Deployit product.

Deployit handles the downgrades and partial upgrades as well as installations and full upgrades, said the company.

The newly added features of Deployit include: Release Dashboard, Microsoft .NET plugin, Composite Packages, Orchestrators, Enterprise Deployment Information Management & Security.

The Release Dashboard gives real-time insight into an application’s progress through the deployment pipeline while the Microsoft .NET plugin will enable users to use Deployit to implement one practice for all deployments, company-wide.

Using composite packages, components can be packaged and deployed together, forming a new application version and the composite package has its own deployment lifecycle and pipeline.

Orchestrators give deployers fine-grained control over the deployment plan. Deployit extenders can create their Orchestrators as they are pluggable,

The company offers additional flexibility and control to organise user Applications and Environments across business units, technologies or functional teams. It also offers a simplified security management that controls and securely partition user deployment activities.