Operational intelligence platform Splunk and telco giant Verizon announced they are coming together in a security joint venture. This will involve Verizon software collecting a range of data, which the Splunk platform will then monitor for threats.
Verizon says it will now have the ability to monitor and protect a range of devices as a result of the partnership, which will include the increasing number of devices being connected for IoT.
Verizon will offer automated incident response, analytics-driven security, end-to-end visibility across all machine data, better threat intelligence and continuous device management.
"Splunk is enabling our next generation platform," said Vinny Lee, director of product management for Verizon Enterprise Solutions. "When you look at what’s available to enterprises today, it’s clear cybercriminals have the advantage. With these new capabilities, we are arming our clients with the tools and systems necessary to shift the balance and make it harder for cybercriminals to succeed."
Verizon will also deploy the new real-time insights that Splunk provides to power its Advance Security Operations Centre.
Dave Schwartz, area vice president of global strategic alliances, Splunk said: "We continue to strive to leverage
Verizon’s knowledge and experience, and support Verizon’s drive to raise the bar in security services for the benefit of our joint customers and for the industry."
Godfrey Sullivan resigned as CEO of Splunk in November 2015 after seven years at the helm, on the back of Q3 results that shows 50% year-on-year revenue increase to $174.4m.
Verizon recently announced that shut down of its cloud services. It is one of the world’s biggest IP networks, and claims to deal with 1m security events on a daily basis.