While brands already have the capability to reach specific audiences, Twitter has created tools to make the process even easier.

Marketers can now select thee different ways to match their content with audiences. Brands can choose from "exact match", "phrase match" and "basic keyword match."

The most creative option is called negative keyword targeting. This option allows marketers to restrict promoted tweets from showing up when a user types in certain keywords.

So if a business sells bacon they can identify "Kevin" as a negative keyword to avoid being matched with the actor Kevin Bacon.

Twitter has also created a new feature that automatically matches promoted tweets in search to related trending topics.


Twitter matches relevance signals about a brand’s promoted tweets and trends to help increase their campaign coverage automatically.

"Both the automated matching to trending topics and the new keyword matching options are available worldwide today," said Kevin Weil, director of product management at Twitter.

"We hope that the combination of greater control and more powerful automation will lead to even higher ROI for your next promoted tweets campaign."