Business integration and process management software company TIBCO has introduced Spotfire 4.0, the latest version of its analytics platform that combines the clarity of visual data discovery with collaboration capabilities for improved decision-making.

With Spotfire 4.0 users can expand the traditional boundaries of analytics by delivering contextual and social collaboration capabilities, and it features integration with Microsoft SharePoint and tibbr to integrate interactive dashboards, in-context analysis, and "social discovery" features.

By providing broad collaborative capabilities, Spotfire 4.0 delivers an organisation’s collective intelligence can be harnessed to reach the best possible decisions.

With Spotfire 4.0, users can embed Spotfire analyses within corporate portals, blogs and Microsoft SharePoint, embed Web pages, such as wikis, within a Spotfire analysis, embed live, threaded discussions from social media, and can link to Spotfire analyses from other websites or blogs with ease.

With social collaboration, Spotfire harnesses social networking to leverage the insights of distributed teams to rapidly develop consensus and drive action.

With Spotfire 4.0 users can actively "follow" an analysis subject or author, create a new discussion "workspace" around an insight or decision and invite others to join, embed a discussion thread into an analysis, access an analysis and be alerted to changes through each member’s "channel of choice."

Spotfire 4.0 delivers analytics that operate "under the hood" and ensure that dashboards provide "at-a-glance" understanding, said the company.

Spotfire 4.0 offers new designs and visualisations that allow users to quickly see all relevant information in a single screen and also new capabilities to improve the user experience by allowing analysts to tailor flexible, interactive dashboards.

TIBCO Spotfire Product strategy vice-president Lars Bauerle said with Spotfire 4.0, TIBCO did not look at collaboration as a collection of the latest social networking fads, but more as a decision-making process within a business environment.

"We’ve taken that model and applied the most appropriate collaborative features to enhance data analysis in a way that harnesses the wisdom of the crowd and speeds final decisions," said Bauerle.