Thinfilm, a provider of printed memory technology, has entered into a partnership with PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated), a center for commercial innovation, to develop NxG memory technology enabled through printed electronics.

Thinfilm is commercialising fully printed, rewritable memory for application in markets, including toys and games-and is developing contact-based memory arrays for applications.

The company said that combining its memory products with PARC’s printed thin-film transistor technology will allow the development of integrated systems.

Both companies are working together to address opportunities for memory in RFID tags, sensor tags, disposable price labels market.

Thinfilm CEO Davor Sutija said, by working closely with PARC to couple their memory products with their transistor technology and printed electronics capabilities, they will enable compact, 128-bit fully printed memory systems.

"In addition to our products for card-based games and toys, we are adding resources to support the development of printed ID and sensor tags," Sutija said.