1. It’s not a threat landscape.

"A lot of people talk about the threat landscape; I actually talk about the threat battlefield or the landmine, because it’s all about the good guy trying to navigate around the bad guy.

"It’s all about trying to navigate a safe passage and that’s all we are trying to do in information security."

2. A lack of communication is hindering adoption of culture change.

"Security is everyone’s concern in the business. Talk about contribution rather than cost and then the conversation changes and your budget is easier to get.

"Befriend every other C-suite – the CIO and CISO tend to be the ones responsible for security, but what about the CMO, Chief Digital Officer, CFO? All of these people should be involved in the security by design discussion."

3. Loathing Big Data and introducing data puddles.

"I prefer the word Big Analytics because big data is only useful if it’s meaningful, it’s contextual and it’s accurate. It goes back to security…the best place to find a bad guy is when he is attacking your big data, because that is where you keep all your things together.

4. Split will be good for business.

"I think it’s a great thing for the company, because it will focus on the things that are key. I will be in HP enterprise and we will be bringing together the service and security into one piece.

"For me in the past, businesses have dealt with things in very siloed approaches, so in our new approach we have the mobility, cloud, big data, IoT and security all together.

The full article can be read here.